
Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules Changes

Coldsnap to Time Spiral (Single Change View)

General changes

Old rule (Coldsnap) New rule (Time Spiral)


If an effect gives a player an extra turn or adds a phase or step to that player's turn, that player's team takes the extra turn, phase, or step. If an effect causes a player to skip a step, phase, or turn, that player's team does so. If an effect causes a player to control another player's turn, the controller of that effect controls the affected player's team's turn.


If neither player on a team wishes to do anything, that team passes. If both teams pass in succession (that is, if both teams pass without any player taking any actions in between passing), the top object on the stack resolves, then the active team receives priority. If the stack is empty when both teams pass in succession, the phase or step ends and the next one begins.