
Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules Changes

Masters Edition to Lorwyn (Single Change View)

General changes

Old rule (Masters Edition) New rule (Lorwyn)

Ending the Turn

One card (Time Stop) ends the turn when its resolves. When an effect ends the turn, follow these steps in order: Remove every object on the stack from the game. Remove all attacking and blocking creatures, if any, from combat. Check state-based effects. The current step and/or phase ends. The game skips straight to the cleanup step. See rule 509, "Ending the Turn."

Ending the Turn

One card (Time Stop) ends the turn when its resolves. When an effect ends the turn, follow these steps in order: Remove every object on the stack from the game. Remove all attacking and blocking creatures, if any, from combat. Remove all planeswalkers from combat. Check state-based effects. The current step and/or phase ends. The game skips straight to the cleanup step. See rule 509, "Ending the Turn."