
Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules Changes

Masters Edition to Lorwyn (Single Change View)

General changes

Old rule (Masters Edition) New rule (Lorwyn)

Mana Pool

When an effect creates mana, that mana goes into the player's mana pool. From there, it can be used to pay for spells and abilities. The mana can be used immediately to pay a cost, or stored in the mana pool for use later in the phase. The mana pool is cleared at the end of each phase. See also Mana Burn.

Mana Pool

When an effect creates mana, that mana goes into a player's mana pool. From there, it can be used to pay for spells and abilities. The mana can be used immediately to pay a cost, or stored in the mana pool for use later in the phase. The mana pool is cleared at the end of each phase. See also Mana Burn.