
Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules Changes

Masters Edition to Lorwyn (Single Change View)

General changes

Old rule (Masters Edition) New rule (Lorwyn)


World is a supertype that normally applies to enchantments. If two or more permanents have the supertype world, all except the one that has been a permanent with the world supertype for the shortest amount of time are put into their owners' graveyards. In the event of a tie for the shortest amount of time, all are put into their owners' graveyards. This "world rule" is a state-based effect. See rule 420.5. If a world permanent's types or subtypes change, this doesn't change its supertypes. The permanent will still be a world permanent.


World is a supertype that normally applies to enchantments. If two or more permanents have the supertype world, all except the one that has been a permanent with the world supertype for the shortest amount of time are put into their owners' graveyards. In the event of a tie for the shortest amount of time, all are put into their owners' graveyards. This "world rule" is a state-based effect. See rule 420.5. If a world permanent's card types or subtypes change, this doesn't change its supertypes. The permanent will still be a world permanent.