Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules Changes
Masters Edition to Lorwyn (Single Change View)
Old rule (Masters Edition) | New rule (Lorwyn) |
You, Your [Click to view all changes.] | |
You, Your The words "you" and "your" on an object refer to the object's controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to play it), or its owner (if it has no controller). For a static ability, this is the current controller of the object it's on. For an activated ability, this is the player who played the ability. For a triggered ability, this is the controller of the object when the ability triggered. See also Controller, Owner. |
You, Your The words "you" and "your" on an object refer to the object's controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to play it), or its owner (if it has no controller). For a static ability, this is the current controller of the object it's on. For an activated ability, this is the player who played the ability. For a triggered ability, this is the controller of the object when the ability triggered, unless it's a delayed triggered ability. For a delayed triggered ability, this is the controller of the spell or ability that created it. See also Controller, Owner. |