
Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules Changes

Masters Edition to Lorwyn (Single Change View)

General changes

Old rule (Masters Edition) New rule (Lorwyn)

You, Your

The words "you" and "your" on an object refer to the object's controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to play it), or its owner (if it has no controller). For a static ability, this is the current controller of the object it's on. For an activated ability, this is the player who played the ability. For a triggered ability, this is the controller of the object when the ability triggered. See also Controller, Owner.

You, Your

The words "you" and "your" on an object refer to the object's controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to play it), or its owner (if it has no controller). For a static ability, this is the current controller of the object it's on. For an activated ability, this is the player who played the ability. For a triggered ability, this is the controller of the object when the ability triggered, unless it's a delayed triggered ability. For a delayed triggered ability, this is the controller of the spell or ability that created it. See also Controller, Owner.